Nurture Classes

Grow Together

We have a variety of nurture classes. Each quarter we have a new rotation of classes taking students on a Pathway of discipleship from the new believer to the seasoned saint, equipping all for the work of ministry.

…keep growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Messiah.
2 Peter 3:18

The Latest

Sundays @ 9:30 a.m.

For Adults & Youth

Nursery care available.

Classes currently offered

Each quarter brings new classes! See current offerings below.

Classes Currently Offered

Beginning May 5, 2024

The Shinar Directive

This is a study of the book by Dr. Michael Lake. The Shinar Directive exposes the tactics of the dark side, including the occultic Luciferian Elite who have been generations in the planning for the appearance of the Antichrist. You will learn how the church has been infused with the pagan practices of Babylon, the role of mystery secret societies, how the Luciferian Elite control world events, how our society is being manipulated, the extent of mind control, and much more.

(This is a confutation from last semester.) 

Facilitator: Gail Heimsoth

Location: Sanctuary


Thriving in the Spirit

This is a study by Open Bible pastor Burton Campbell, and is intended to serve as an introduction to the Spirit-filled life. Through this study and times of discussion, you will learn the Lord has a destiny for each of us. Though it may involve certain goals and objectives, it goes well beyond the outward things we do. He is making us into new people. A life lived in loving cooperation and relationship with the Spirit of God is one full of the satisfaction found by being made complete in Him.

Facilitator: TBA

Location: 1st Downstairs Classroom 

Children's Nurture Class

Children K-6:

Facilitator: Sondra Wilson

Location: Downstairs


Nursery : downstairs – up to 5 years