Kingdom City

Traveling the "DASH" of life GOD'S WAY

Greetings from the DOT Lady:

     Greetings, I am the DOT LADY.  DOT stands for “Director of Transportation.”  Did you know that right now you are traveling?  But you travel in a different way that you may think. You are traveling without moving. That’s right!! You are traveling your very own “dash” of time from the day of your birth to the day of your death.  It is a DOT’s job to guide children and grown-ups into the right way to travel.  We teach the Biblical worldview of traveling God’s Way according to His word, the Holy Bible.  I am inviting all children’s ministers to step up to higher ground and come together as we minister to our children.  The children of Sedalia and Pettis County are our field.  They are our responsibility.  Our world is in a tail spin of chaos.  I believe we have been in a planned smoke screen of distraction for the past 70 years.

The smoke screen is:

  • The world spirit
  • Anything that takes your focus away from God.
  • Anything that Steals your time
  • Anything that makes you tired
  • Anything that changes your priorities

With the dawn of the television in the mid 1950’s to our current time, we have had a technology explosion unlike any other time.  Have you ever asked the question; why after all this time has there never been such technology?

  • Television
  • Video games
  • Phones
  • Tic Tok
  • Text messaging

There is a story in the Bible of a planned wedding feast that all were invited to.  A time will come when Jesus comes for those he knows.  But your enemy has put you into a time of distraction, entertainment, and racing for nothing…it’s a trick! (story of my orange event) The audience was on the trick side.  There is a book that has the names of those written in it that will go into eternity with Him.  It is called the “Lamb’s Book of Life.”  Each one came up with excuses:

  • Can’t I have a soccer game
  • Can’t my job won’t let me off
  • Can’t my favorite show is on right now
  • The young rich ruler walked away

I will tell you; this was planned.  We are in a current time of sickness that causes us to go into times of quarantine.  Would it be true to say we have been in a 70-year planned quarantine of distractions for play, communication, social media, etc.  A few years ago, I was given the directions “DO THE 180” in regard to our children.  This means for all who are 20 years old and older we are to do a 180 turn and pay attention to the upcoming group of young teens, tweens, and children.  We are in the “red alert” stage now as we enter into what we may call the great battle of the end times.

 I propose a period of 10 years to pour into our children

  • a purposeful,
  • planned,
  • progression way to disciple,
  • equip, and train this young generation to enter a time of unparalleled chaos.

 Right now, our children are not, for the most part, being purposefully trained to know God, accept Jesus, and to be about His business as the purpose of their entire existence on this short span of time we call “life in the land of the living.”  We have all heard the word “DASH” as we refer to the life span, we travel as an individual basis.  So, let’s join together and take on this very important assignment.  Let’s create a “city” where kids can grow and understand God’s power and take it to the city, they live in.  As one who has worked extensively with broken adults, this is a way to start early teaching understanding to children about the cosmic war and all its pain and heartaches.  They will understand that the Gospel of the Kingdom is to live daily in His love, power, and direction. Below is the proposed plan.

I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered, when you run, you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction, do not let it go, guard it well, for it is your life. Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men. Avoid it, do not travel on it, turn from it, and go on your way ."
Proverbs 4:11-15


To help children see the meaning of their existence from their birth to their death. To tell them they were born into the middle of a cosmic war. This war is not their fault. There is a way to travel God's way, according to the Holy Bible. They will call this Bible their "roadmap." The most important highlight of this journey is to know their Creator Who is the Father of their spirit and to know Jesus Christ who saves them from the one who creates the cosmic war. They will come to know the enemy of their soul and learn to see the tactics he uses to snare them. As they journey through Kingdom City, they will learn timeless principals and become one who lives their life as an assignment from God. That's right! They were given an assignment for their journey. They need to know, "you are not your own, you were bought with a price." We want them to ask God what He wants with their life. This life You gave me in the land of the living for a short while.
Kingdom City has its beginnings in the basement of Liberty Life Center but the vision goes way beyond our four walls into the city and maybe even the county. Kingdom City has signs that correspond with the natural city. The travelers will begin at Liberty Life Center and build a strong foundation. The process will be one of grounding, transforming, growing, glowing, gifting, and giving. Below is a trip through the city with a description of each building.

Navigating Kingdom City


All children will begin in this building.  It is the place they get a briefing on their journey through Kingdom City and an explanation of their journey on their own “dash” of time in life.  The children will receive a travel Bag with a “kingdom City Passport” travel tag.  They will also have a “driver’s permit” to travel and learn the things of God. The kids will earn keys verses in each building and attach them to their travel bag.

Concepts for this building:

  • God created them to travel their “road of Life” in a body. They have a body-car.
  • The Holy Bible is their “roadmap” and instructions on how to travel in this body-car on their according to God’s Ways.
  • The “Road of Life” also called the “Dash” is made of five stages; baby, child, teenager, young adult, and old adult.
  • They are traveling on the earth, created by God, and this earth is made of things seen and unseen.
  • There are two invisible kingdoms located in the heavenly realm who want your life.
  • An important principal for them to learn at this early age is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. At this point the “hula hoop” concept in introduced to help teach personal responsibility.
  • They are on a personal assignment from God.
  • You are responsible for you own life in this journey. This is also personal responsibility.
  • There are other people traveling their journey like you.  You are not responsible for the way they live.
  • You will have people in your life who will help you and some who will not be good for you.
  • They are born in the middle of a cosmic (spiritual) war and they must learn how to travel in this war, God’s Way.
  • Superbook shows a great illustration of the creation, and fall of man. Sin entered the world through their sin.
  • They are an eternal creation, traveling in a body.
  • They do not live to die but live to enter the Eternal Kingdom God has waiting.
  • Your travel on the “road of life (dash)” goes quickly so you must be serious and focused to learn all you can in Kingdom City and as you grow up


The Bible is our manual of how to know God, what pleases Him, how we need to live, and to understand His entire plan for people.  Level 1 of the KC Library teaches the basics of how the Bible is laid out and how to use it.

  • The kids will get a Bible that will be like a “textbook” in which they can write and highlight.
  • The Bible will lead you into all freedom and truth. It is the Word of God.
  • This Bible is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, and training in righteousness.
  • The kids will learn the books of the Bible in order by memory.
  • Learn all the major divisions by name and a color code.
  • Learn the divisions in order and what books belong to each division.
  • Learn to use the Table of contents for looking up books and verses.
  • Learn about Bible references, their parts and how to look them up.
  • To do drills, games and activities to reinforce the memory and understanding.
  • Be presented with a “one page” Bible to see at a glance the big story.
  • There is two memory verses for the library.


The kids will complete the Yellow Book in this building. In the Department of Transportation, the kids learned they are traveling through the “dash” of time in a body.  In this building the following concepts will be introduced.

  • Every one has true value and worth on the earth.
  • the children will focus on the make up of their “body-car” body, soul, and spirit.
  • Each part, body, soul, and spirit have a function and purpose. This is teaching the anatomy of the whole child, body, soul and spirit.
  • Your real you is your spirit and soul. The body is only the “ride” along the “dash”.
  • Your spirit is the most important part.
  • The enemy you learned about in the Department of Transportation is a hi-jacker and a hitchhiker.
  • Your soul is originally designed to be programmed by the Holy Spirit dwelling in your spirit. You will learn how the world spirit seeks to “program” your soul.
  • Your spirit is disconnected from God because of the sin of Adam and Eve they learned about in the Department of Transportation. You don’t have to stay that way.  The Red Book will explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Two keys will be earned in this building.


The Light House is the place the kids are presented the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The kids will complete the Red book.  This book will introduce the following concepts.

  • God has an original plan for people.
  • The fall of man.
  • The gospel message.
  • When you are born, your spirit is separated from God. You have no contact with God without being born again.
  • God wants a relationship with you.
  • You will have the opportunity to accept Jesus and continue your journey with Him.


The kids will complete the Blue Book. In this building they will learn concepts of prayer.

  • Prayer is talking to God.
  • They will learn that relationship with God began with Moses at the burning bush. And how Moses grew in his relationship with God on the mountain.  The tabernacle will teach and understanding of the process of approaching God in the holy of holies.  The tabernacle is also the Old Testament type and shadow of our body being the temple of the Holy Spirit.
  • They will learn the Lord’s prayer for their building Key.
  • They will build a portable prayer closet with a journey through the Lord’s Prayer.

 The sign for this building is a telephone receiver.

To learn more contact the DOT Lady, Pastor Linda