Together in God's Presence
We sit in pew and chairs, but that doesn’t limit us with space between for those who like to stand and worship. During worship, you might witness people with flags or others blowing shofars as an expression of praise. Following worship and the message, we transition our hearts to a place of time to be ministered by the Father – whether from the pew or at the alter receiving prayer from our ministry team.
Approximately once a month we share communion as a body, however communion elements are available anytime during the service to anyone acknowledges the body and the blood Christ and that by faith in Him we are saved and made whole. at the side tables of the sanctuary at any time. Children are to partake only with parents or guardians present who take responsibility in sharing the meaning of the sacrament.
Service tends to finish around noon.

Children are an integral part of our community and vision. There is no junior Holy Spirit! Children play a full part in our worship as well as enjoying age-appropriate input.

No pretending Needed
Come as you are, wear what you would wear to visit friends, arrive a few minutes early to get refreshments and meet people.
Biblical Observances
We recognize Biblical feasts from Yom Kippur, Passover, or the Sukkot.
Approximately once a month we share communion as a body, however communion elements are available anytime during the service to anyone acknowledges the body and the blood Christ and that by faith in Him we are saved and made whole. at the side tables of the sanctuary at any time. Children are to partake only with parents or guardians present who take responsibility in sharing the meaning of the sacrament.